Press Reviews
Charles Olivieri-Munroe is a naturally charismatic conductor. He deserves much credit for imaginative programming.
-New York Times, August 2003
The performance (Dortmund Philharmonic) was so emotional and so touching conducted by Charles Olivieri-Munroe that not only for myself was it one of the highlights of the concert season.
- Detlef Obens, Das Opermagazin, 2017
The fact that the works of Liszt and Mussorgsky were precisely constructed and well performed by the Dortmund Philharmonic were thanks to the great work of Charles Olivieri-Munroe. A charismatic conductor, he prepares effects very precisely, builds up tension and constrasts effectively.
- Julia Gaß, Ruhrnachrichten, 2017
With an active and highly varied conducting style, Olivieri-Munroe appears as a combination of Fürtwangler and the young Karajan.
-Südwestdeutsche Zeitung, 2004
Krystian Zimerman's interpretation of the Adagio second movement (Brahms Piano Concerto No.1), enhanced by the whispering sonority that Olivieri-Munroe drew from the orchestral strings, was deeply moving, steeped in a feeling of nostalgia. Olivieri-Munroe's potent performance of Beethoven's 5th Symphony brought the evening to a strong conclusion. He chose a fast tempo for the opening Allegro Con Brio. The symphony's power came through at full blast, as it always does in a good performance, despite its familiarity.
-Bangkok Post, January 2015
For concertgoers who like an adrenalin hit, the second concert in the Sydney Symphony Orchestra's Master Series filled the bill. Four romantic composers poured on syrup, explosions and tail wind flying that delighted many, but left the classicists harrumphing into their post-concert coffee. Unashamedly, I fell into the delighted class. Conductor Olivieri-Munroe shone in Roman Festivals. Tall, dark and handsome in the style of a 40s movie star, (or an old Brylcream commercial, a wry colleague commented) he might well have had springs in his heels as he threw his body and flailing arms around to guide the giant orchestra in the performance of an extraordinary work.
-by Fraser Beath McEwing, March, 2013
Bravo North Czech Philharmonic!
It has been clear for several years now that Charles Olivieri-Munroe is the right conductor for the North Czech Philharmonic. He demonstrates an ability to fix the attention of the musicians. The orchestra plays under him with confidence, obvious understanding and much gusto. A deserved standing ovation followed this Prague Spring Festival performance.
-Prague Hudebny Rozhledy, June 2009
"Charles Olivieri-Munroe showed off a broad, smooth expressive style with wonderful shaping of contrasts and punching up of rythmic elements... In fact he so energized the musicians of the TSO that this reviewer hopes he makes many many return visits. The overall effect was the sonic equivalent of watching one’s first DVD after years of mediocre VHS cassettes. The orchestra was crisp and balanced with memorable verve.”
-Toronto Star, 2008
“The leitmotif of the concert was clarity of sound. Convincing was its beauty and elegance which the young Canadian conductor, Charles Olivieri-Munroe elicited from the Philharmonic and how effectively he transformed lyricism to enormous passion in Tchaikovsky's First Symphony 'Winter Dreams'."
-Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein, 2007
“…a specialist in Czech repertoire. This was quickly evident in the superior performance of Smetana's Sarka. This was the cream of the concert in purely performance terms, the Calgary Philharmonic performing with coiled energy and gracious lyricism as the music demanded. The CPO responded well to Olivieri-Munroe's clear and efficient conducting, the musical texture transparent and well balanced.”
-Calgary Herald, 2006
“Olivieri-Munroe proved a spirited, engaging and even charismatic conductor. A committed romanticist, he was fully attentive to coloristic and dramatic opportunities, and his fine sense of line seemed always guided by an equally fine sense of structure.”
-San Antonio Express, July 2005
"An excellent showcase for Olivieri-Munroe's accomplished conducting style. Of all the guest conductors I have seen this year, this natural leader put on the most engaging podium performance."
-Edmonton Journal, 2004
“The Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra once again proved that under strong and inspirational leadership, it's able to flourish. Precisely that type of leadership was demonstrated last night by the young Canadian conductor Charles Olivieri-Munroe who led the orchestra with distinct gestures clearly expressing the inner workings of the music.”
-Prague Lidovy Noviny, 2004